Thursday, September 16, 2010

Time to try my most recent secret weapon...

Mmmm gooey. Kinda smells like a gritty shop soap, but I like it.

Well so I've been thinking about trying Champori for quite awhile now. The submitted testimonials pretty much speak for themselves, and I did a search for "does champori really work" on google and got linked to The National Psoriasis Foundations forum where (as I thought) someone had already asked this question. If you wanna read it, it's pretty informational (here). This was after I had already bought it. I got it in the mail yesterday. Just to see what they would say, I also sent them an email, asking if they had any kind of affiliate program and they responded promptly with:

"Dear Travis,
We don't. And are not looking for having one.
Ollie M.

Well that's pretty much exactly what I'd hoped I'd hear When psoriasis medications allow affiliate links and programs, anything you read about the product could then be biased in the interest of selling the product regardless of whether it works or not, just to make money.
I did learn however that if you send in a positive product testimonial, they will send you a large combo (cream & spray) for free. The reason that doesn't really bother me is because if it doesn't work, you obviously can't send in a testimonial, can you? So if this stuff does work I fully plan on sending one in, because I'm in school now (and totally broke without health insurance of course) so that little deal is quite nice I say.
It actually almost looks identical to what the Neem & Vaseline mix I made looked like.
I only paid for the cream, they sent this "sample" for free! And I'm glad they did because that cream is GOOEY. Not too happy about gobbing that all over my head before I go to school...
 Well so I'll be trying it out and we'll see how it goes. Here's a before pic I just took upstairs, so you can see where I'm at. Gimme a break, haven't shaved in a few days...

I will take more pictures in a few days. Keep in mind, all of the other psoriasis things I've tried aside from the shampoos, have been on my arms, and not my scalp. I've pretty much left my scalp untouched for the past few months because I just wear a lot of hats... well and I had enough hair to cover it up (until I cut it this morning) so it didn't bother me all that much. I cut it so I don't have to use as much of this precious cream getting it in my hair, instead of on my scalp. I find that with a buzz-cut like this it gets better application, and I use way less cream.



  1. :( That looks awful. I'm so sorry. I have scalp psoriasis too. I've had some really good luck controlling mine via diet. Not sure if you'd want to try it though. I've have psoriatic arthritis too, so the diet helps with that as well. If you're interested in checking out what I eat, you can check out my blog - I blog about my disease and post my recipes. I'm working on publishing a cookbook. Best of luck to you. I know it's so painful! :(

  2. real solutions are internal...not external from my experience...and stay away from topical cortisone...although tempting, it only suppresses and then it comes back...once your on an omega/antioxidant rich diet and stay away from known food triggers, i suspect it will quickly a matter of weeks/couple of months...was at least my experience...and i had it bad...

  3. re making money off of psoriasis...the docs are doing the same in my opinion...went to 3 skin doctors and a renowned skin clinic in germany...bc lived there for many yrs...originally from US...and none of them...not one of them...suggested psoriasis was linked to diet...they all...without exception...including the clinic...only gave me its a trap...they seemingly dont aim to control or cure...but to suppress it and have us coming back again...the key to controlling it is definitely internal...from my experience at least...noo doubt in my mind...and now every time i go to doc (now for non-psoriasis related things)...i let them know i cured myself...minus meds at least...maybe also w some spiritual help if u know what i doubt in my mind the way to beat the shit out of psoriasis, to use your triggers...

  4. i tweet ab psoriasis here:!/psoriatiker
