Thursday, September 2, 2010


There are 12 psoriasis experiments in this cupboard alone.
Winners aren't winners because they gave up. Winners are winners because they keep trying. And thats what I'm doing. I just keep on tryin' stuff! I currently have about 20 different things I'm experimenting with. Well some I've given up on. Some I'm still taking. This cupboard isn't even half of the things I've tried in the past. Maybe I'll do a post of all the things in the past that HAVEN'T worked? Hmm maybe. Here's just an update on how my arms are looking. I've somewhat neglected the patch on my shin, and my head seems to be doing well enough that it isn't so bad I HAVE to wear a hat. I honestly think I can attribute that to the sunshine though. Shit's really gonna hit the fan this winter I think. (Sadly, as it does every winter.)

It looks pretty good in this photo, but irl theres still some pink spots.
This arm actually looks pretty good irl today, but I think it's just onna those days.
So yeah, the arms are looking pretty good today, but still visible. Mildly pink. I just got some Castol Oil on ebay for about 5 bucks, that I'll be trying probably starting Monday, because I'm about to go camping for a few days. Ugh, theres no escaping the binge drinking, but at least this will probably be the last camping trip of the summer, and I'm going back to school, so I'll have more things to keep me from drinking after this lololol

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