Now you can feel old before you're old! Thanks psoriatic arthritis! |
As much as I would like to think this blog could just end at the last post, it shan't. Since beginning my Wonderful Humira regiment, I've learned that I also have (figures) Psoriatic arthritis. I would wake up and have to slowly step onto my right ankle until it could bear my weight, and my knees would pop and creak until I warmed them up, and sometimes if I twisted just right I could pop my hip (which feels as amazing and also strange as you can probably imagine) Although yes, Humira does/did an absolutely amazing job alleviating my arthritis, it would seem all things must come to an end. What little insurance my job was provided ended early this year as my hours were cut thanks to my awesome (siiiike) new boss. I now work a meager 18 hours a week, and that's just not enough to remain on healthcare. Originally, I thought this wouldn't be much of a problem, since I didn't have health insurance when I started this blog, and I was still able to get a hold of Humira, because I luckily still had a recommendation from my doc to see a dermatologist. Well, I went to get my humira refilled in April-ish and they say they need a new Dr approval to continue deliveries, and would ya know it, my doc is requiring me to come in for a checkup + blood work in order to get it. Without insurance, this will cost about $400ish buckeroonies. Not what I was trying to hear. There is good and bad news however. So the good news is, once my psoriasis was cleared up, LUCKILY I haven't had it come back... for the most part. The psoriatic arthritis is starting to make itself known though. The bad news, is even on Humira, ALL of my psoriasis didn't completely disappear. I still have this previous injury on my left shin, that never fully healed, and it turns out even the mighty Humira couldn't make it go away. I was still very aware of my blessings though, and just being able to crawl back out into the public was once but a mere dream for me, come true.
Let me get right on that |
Which brings me to my next point. Psoriasis is obviously a life long condition. Sad, but true. And although there is no known cure at the moment, docs and their fed up, whiny-ass (like me-self lol) patients are still searching for fixes left and right. Which means I must stay vigilant and continue the conquest for relief! I've been doing some research and learned of a few new products I'm going to be trying out the next few months, and so I will chronicle that journey here.
First curiosity is this: Forever Living Aloe Propolis Creme. While talking with a fellow psoriasis sufferer they suggested it and said after just a few days of using it she had "skin like an angel". Thats all I really need to hear to give something a try, so I ordered some. I'll update after I give it a fair chance to work, to see if I notice any changes.
Every disease starts in the gut, here is a good site to check out if you haven't already
Hey Thanks for the sharing this informative and useful blog.
ReplyDeletePsoriasis Treatment Cream Safe, effective, affordable. Quick relief from clinical symptoms and early onset of remission. Prolonged period of remission.
Psoriasis is a common skin condition that speeds up the life cycle of skin cells. It causes cells to build up rapidly on the surface of the skin. The extra skin cells form scales and red patches that are itchy and sometimes painful.