Well, as I put psoriasis on the back burner the past 30 or so days, it's still stayed the same, damned ol' psoriasis but it's weird, I keep like, stumbling onto new information about it. I started my report on Psoriasis (still hardly started and it's due on Friday! : / but I've been doing lots of research, and research is great when your actually interested in the thing your learning about. I stumbled across this in a random report:
Copyright Philadelphia Tribune Aug 31, 2010
"Q. Six months ago, my doctor diagnosed me with psoriasis and prescribed creams and lotions. I searched the Internet and found that some people use the spice turmeric to treat this skin problem.
After one day taking turmeric, I quit the topicals, because my itching had stopped. Soon my psoriasis disappeared from my scalp, and my body has stated to clear. This stuff is the bomb!
It is natural and safe and so much better than the creams. Why don't doctors tell us about this remedy, instead of just prescribing topical drugs?
A. Doctors like evidence. While there are many testimonials on the benefits of the yellow spice turmeric or its active ingredient curcumin, placebo-controlled trials are inconclusive (Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, April 2008).
"My daughter had psoriasis on the soles of her feet with open sores that steroid creams and Dovonex did not heal. After two frustrating years, I made an ointment by mixing pure curcumin powder in Vaseline. I applied it thickly every night and covered it with bandages. Her feet were stained yellow from this mixture, but we didn't mind because her psoriasis was healing. Within three months, her feet were clear and have remained so for six years. Curcumin pills now keep her condition under control."
Although this probably isn't the cure-all for my psoriasis, I found it very interesting because I did find the Neem/vaseline mixture I made to be somewhat effective. It just seemed like I needed to give it more time, or it was maybe missing a little something, and although I have heard/read about Curcumin (curry powder) I've never tried it yet. Obviously being a spice/herb it's pretty darn cheap, and that makes me happy. You can get it on for $5.48 if you can't find it in your local food store.
I also got some really good info about Turmeric from this site:
"Turmeric extract (called curcumin) does not work as well as turmeric powder for the purpose of fighting intestinal pathogens. Use the plain root powder...Curcumin does not appear to have as much effect as plain turmeric against pathogens. Usual dose of turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp bulk powder or two capsules"
Fun Fact Time!:
"In India, where foods are loaded with turmeric, just 1 percent of people over 65 contract Alzheimer's the lowest incidence of the disease worldwide." -
Thanks to